Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More rain!

We are getting the snot pounded out of us right now. It is raining so hard that you can't see your hand in front of your face. There is a lot of localized flooding as the storm drains try to keep up. It is kind of cool. We really need to dry out around here.

1 comment:

Papa Doc said...

At least you are not having forest fires. We are having a very wet year here, too. It rained today and last night. Not hard and distructive, but wet. I have not had to pay to water the lawn much and it is now well into June. I cannot believe it.

I miss that sort of rain you are talking about. I saw it in Nebraska, Indiana, and of course and most of all, in the Philippines. You should see a typhoon. Remember that most homes there are not very durable. So the wind really makes the rain distructive.

Dad Clark