The Coralville Strip. The Coast Guard and the National Guard have taken over sandbagging operations in some areas.

I can't believe how deep the water is over the road.

There is a car in the reflection of the store front. I hope he had insurance.

The red boats are Coast Guard boats. I wonder where the nearest Coast Guard station is?

Looking east toward the Hwy 6 bridge. It is obviously closed. The truck is an Iowa DOT truck checking the integrity of the bridge.

The Village Inn has been done inn. This whole corner is being closed down so that Staples can build a superstore. I guess this will hurry the process up a bit.

The Burlington Street bridge. The building on the opposite side of the river is the University power plant. There is normally a drop of about 10 feet here. This picture was taken yesterday (6-13-08) and it has been reported that this bridge will be closed tomorrow.

This is the new Art Building.

This picture was also taken yesterday (6-13) and the bridge I crossed to get to this point is now closed. This is Iowa Avenue, the main road between my area of the campus and the east side of the university.
More to pictures to come.
Crazy amazing pictures! Hopefully it will recede soon!
The Burlington Street bridge photo is very telling to me. I can't believe the 10-foot drop has been eliminated and it's a nearly smooth ride. Unbelievable.
This puts a whole new meaning into the Beatles song, Fool on a Hill.
Dad Clark
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