Monday, February 14, 2011

Show Choir performance

Below is a link to watch the entire Show Choir performance at Caleb's last competition he was in.

If you fast forward to 11:36 in the show you will see Caleb on the left hiking up his pants, then walking to the top of the bleachers and giving the Star Trek sign since he is playing a geek. Too funny. Enjoy the performance!


Janessa said...

That's awesome! Way to shine Cale:) The whole show looks like a lot of fun. You can tell the kids are having a great time.

Papa Doc said...

Tell Kay I watched the whole shoe. It was great. He does a good job, as did lot of the group. I use to love to go the performances of Gillian and Kaitlin. It is so fun to have a good show choir. Keep up the effort and perhaps you can do it in college. Lets see, BYU and Ricks does that sort of thing. How about it?

Dad Clark