Monday, February 21, 2011

Brenden at his Indoor Triathlon

Back on January 29, 2011 we had the opportunity to put on an Indoor Triathlon at North Dodge Athletic Club in Iowa City. My husband Jason was the race director and I helped with many of the tasks to pull off the event. We had 21 sign up to do the race.

In case you have no idea what a triathlon even is, you
SWIM, BIKE and then RUN for set amount of distances or times.

Because this was an indoor triathlon due to the temperatures outside. There were times set in order to complete your events. You had to swim for 10 minutes, then bike for 30 minutes and then run for 20 minutes.

Here Brenden is swimming. You could swim any way you wanted and your progress was recorded as the number of laps you completed. Some of the pictures are blurry that I took. I either need to get a better camera or get classes on how to take pictures. Jason's Mom takes great pictures, if only she could be our photographer for the next race.

Brenden wanted to do this, so I signed him up and talked him through all the events. He was super confident and ready to proceed. He would ask me almost daily how much longer it was until the triathlon.

I am so proud of him and what he accomplished. He was the youngest participant and he finished all the events. He even won a door prize for a Running Wild gift certificate at the end of the event. He can't wait to spend it.

Brenden never complained the entire race and you could tell he was super exhausted. Below he is holding his finishing certificate. He was glad to place 1st in his age group!


Smith's in Iowa said...

That's awesome!!
I just added your blog to my blog list, so I can keep up with you better.

chelsey said...

AWESOME JOB BRENDEN! Again, what a great family event to participate together in! You guys rock.

Jess and Jen said...

I wish I could convince Abby to try a short triathlon. That would be lots of fun. I think Brenden is a stud for doing this. -Jess

The Duke said...

Wahoo!!! Yeah Brenden. I'm really proud of you. I'm thoroughly impressed!

Team Clark said...

Way to go, Brenden - that's awesome! And I'm jealous that you're on a spin bike. I LOVE spin and I've missed it these past years that I've been away from the gym life!

Alyssa said...

Brenden looks exsated!