Thursday, February 10, 2011


Many things have happened this month and it's only the 10th.

First at the beginning of the month our dryer broke AGAIN. I was super worried, because the last time our dryer broke we waited 3 days for the Sears man to get here, then he didn't have the part so he had to order it, so then we waited for the part, then we waited for him to come back then it finally got fixed after 3 weeks.

Well I was pretty sure the same thing was wrong this time since the same light came on and it wouldn't start.

I called Sears and to my surprise they had an opening that morning between 8-12. AND he showed up at 9:30, found the problem, had the part, and fixed it.

That was the quickest and best service call I have ever received and to top it off it was FREE because that dryer is still under warranty!! Lucky us.

Caleb, Daniel and Jared had a choir concert and it was super awesome. Caleb had a solo. So proud of him for he did a fabulous job. If only we had a video of that, but our software to our video camera is missing so we don't know how to get the video on the camera off the camera to take more video. Bummer.

On February 2nd we had the largest snowstorm since last winter. I would say we had been pretty spoiled with little snow all winter, so this was overdue. However it was so much snow that the city is just not doing well with clearing it. They are STILL NOT running the city buses on their regular routes, this creates many problems.

Zumba is going well for me. I have taken on another teaching position and I'm loving my classes! At some point check out go to Find a Class and type in your zip code. You have to try this class out, it totally energizes you. All fitness levels can do this. At one place I teach most of the women are over 50 and seem to shake it well!

Valentines Day is coming up. I really like that holiday. I know it's just a Hallmark holiday, but I love it and hope it ends up special! hint hint Jason :) I have already done something nice for him!

I am far into my training for my next half marathon on May 7th. Last week I ran 5.2 and this week the plan is 6 miles or more. Each week I will try and increase by 1/2 mile and see how it all goes. I hope to beat my 13.1 mile time by at least 13 minutes, thus shaving off 1 minute per mile.

Brenden and I have registered for an upcoming race on February 26th called the Freeze Fest. I just hope it's warmer than my last race that had temps below zero.

Speaking of cold temps it is minus 11 today. I couldn't believe it, but it definitely feels that cold. All my joints hurt and my hands are so sore, time for more hand cream.

I'm happy to say my sister is Cancer FREE! She had a scare in December with finding a lump in her side and it was removed and declared as Leiomyosarcoma. After that she had a cat scan a month later and it was determined that all the cancer was gone. However she did go in for surgery this past Tuesday to have more of the area removed just to be safe. I'm so glad she's okay. She has to be checked every 6 months for the next 5 years. What a scary time for her and the rest of the family. Jan I'm so glad you are cancer free, love you!


The Duke said...

I didn't know about the scare with Jan! I'm sure glad she is doing well now. That would be very worrisome all around. Jan is a great person.
When I watched you teach the Zumba and other classes, I found myself wishing I was taking one of them. I won't ever be able to do that because of my knees, but it was fun to watch and you are a very good, encouraging instructor. So is Jason. It's amazing all that you both do in your lives.

Janessa said...

Sounds like quite a start to the month. I'm glad things are going well and the not so good things have turned out good. I wish I could go to one of your Zumba classes. They sound like so much fun and I'm sure you do a great job teaching it.

Dave and Tana said...

Busy busy! Good luck with the half marathon training. I would love to run one one day!