Saturday, February 19, 2011

Never mess with the power of Awesome

Earlier this morning I went to this store that sells this fabulous hot sauce that Jason just loves. The hot sauce is called Blair's Death Sauce and you can get it at

It has been around for years and has many different levels of hotness. The names are things like: Sweet Death, Jalapeno Death, Golden Death, Original Death, Pure Death, Mega Death, Ultra Death, After Death, Sudden Death, Beyond Death

Today he tried a new one called Sudden Death sauce. He said it was one of the hottest things he's ever eaten. It had Habanero peppers, cayenne peppers and other things in it to make it burn you.

So that he could try this hot sauce properly I made him an omelet (which is one of his favorite breakfast foods) with jalapeno peppers in it. He was thrilled.

Now here's the real story:

While I was touching the jalapeƱo peppers or maybe it was while I touched a drop of this hot sauce to smell it, not sure which, I must have gotten some on my fingers. I also must have NOT washed it all off of me.

About an hour later, well after I had forgotten about any hot things that I had touched,

I touched my left eye.

Maybe you can just imagine what I went through next. Sudden burning death to the eye. I was rubbing my eye and screaming and forgot that I had contacts in. I was at the end of the hallway by the stairs burning in pain. I ran to the bathroom only to think my contacts were still in my eyes, not sure at this point. I washed my hands with much scrubbing and tons of soap and then proceeded to get my contacts out so I could just cry in pain without them in my eyes as well.

My right contact came out with ease, the left one no where to be seen. I searched the bathroom, nothing. I searched myself, nothing. I searched the hallway with a flashlight, nothing. I retraced my steps and then thought to myself that I was standing at the top of the stairs when I screamed and rubbed the hardest. So I went to the top stair with the flashlight, looked down and there was my tiny gas permeable contact all by it's lonesome staring at me begging for solution.

So there you have it. I am Awesome


Mike said...

This reminds me of a similar thing that I experienced...One year we planted a 5-alarm pepper mix in our garden. The peppers grew better than anything we had ever tried before. We got a ton of them and we weren't sure what to do with them all, so I decided to make hot sauce. I was trying to make some Sunday afternoon when I remembered that I needed to be at a scout committee meeting. I quickly put down my things, rinsed my hands off, and changed my clothes. I ran to the bathroom and then took off for the meeting. Not long after getting in the car, I noticed a peculiar warmth on my...well. It grew hotter and hotter. That was a terribly long meeting. I've never tried to make hot sauce since.

Lokodi said...

That's horrible! Glad to hear you found your contact though. That's pretty impressive. Those have got to be really hard to find. Hope your eye feels better. I've totally done that before but I don't have contacts, so it wasn't as bad.


SuzyQ01 said...

oohhh, I love hot sauce...but not in the eyes! Good thing you are awesome! :)

The Duke said...

I can't imagine that anyone would even WANT to eat something that hot! I've done that with jalapeno peppers when chopping them before freezing them. Now I use gloves whenever I handle hot peppers.
Mike - your story was funny -- really funny.
I'm surprised that your contact didn't melt and disintegrate with the heat of the pepper!
I hope Jason appreciates that great food you made for him.

Michelle said...

My contact is gas permeable hard contact which is as close to glass as they can put in an eye. I think had my contacts been soft contacts then they might have melted. Jason has soft contacts which is nice for him since if he looses one of his contacts he can just put in a new pair. For me if I loose a contact it will be over $300 to get a new one since they are not as easily replaceable.

Mike your story is hilarious. I laughed outloud as I was reading it.

Janessa said...

Ouch! I'm glad you found it. What a blessing. Those kind of contacts are so expensive to replace! I just have the soft contacts. A couple of times now I've rubbed my eye with them in and ended up rubbing it around to where it slid around to the back of my eyeball. Gross, huh? After several DAYS they eventually worked their way back to the front of my eyeball. No fun!

Michelle said...

Janessa that sounds so painful to rub your contact to the back of your eye. I can't imagine having a contact in the back of my eyeball for several days. Ouch.

Alyssa said...

How painful, I heard you screaming