Thursday, January 8, 2009

old I guess

I'm up early because it's my day to get Caleb off to seminary.

I'm still sick, have a little voice and it sounds like a smoker and on top of that, yesterday I FELL down the stairs. Thank goodness I didn't have Bella in my arms. Bella is the baby I watch 3 days a week that is now 5 1/2 months old. I had set her down on my bed to go get her milk downstairs. I was wearing socks and apparently they were too slippery on the stairs or something, I don't know how it really happened, I just remember one or two regular stairs and then I was falling and I couldn't stop. I must have fell down 8 or so. I hurt now.

Daniel was home yesterday because he claimed he was sick in the morning and since we all have been getting something I believed him, plus he was acting very sick, but by 10a.m. he was running around like a crazy Dan, should have sent him to school, but at the same time it was nice to have him home and have a day with just one child.

Anyway he heard me fall, and said, "Mom WHAT HAPPENED, Are you alright, Did you fall down the stairs?" I told him I did and the next thing he says is



Guess I'm old.

Nothing is broken, I'm just so incredibly sore. I hurt so bad on one side of my body and the bad thing is, I have to teach Zumba in just 3 hours. Zumba is a Latin Dance aerobic class and I think it's harder then Step because I have all these twisting moves and I have to think more in order to teach it. Not sure how I'm going to pull that one off.


chelsey said...

Ouch! I feel your pain though! I've fallen down our stairs twice since we've lived here. (Guess that makes me REALLY old!) Both times wearing socks. And yes, I was sore for a long time too. It's amazing how many muscles you find hurting from something like that huh! I'm glad you weren't holding the baby too! What a blessing that is. I hope you're able to manage your class and get feeling better soon!

Mike and Adrianne said...

I fell down the stairs once and the bruise was so gross that Mike took a picture of it so he could remember it. Sorry you fell down the stairs.

Team Clark said...

Oh no - that's gotta hurt. Glad you didn't break anything (a hip, maybe? :))!

Papa Doc said...

Yikes! That's one of my biggest worries because I'm totally old and I'm so afraid I'll fall down our stairs.
I hope the kinks work themselves out and that you begin to feel better. I'm sure sorry this happened.
Take care!
Mom C.

Ken said...

Sorry you fell down the stairs, but when you were a kid you had trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time. This of course didn't stop your talking. How ever we never stop loving you. At least you didn't break anything. Love ya.


Jan said...

I fell down the stairs once. It wan't a fun experience. I happened to be on the phone with dad at the time. So he could hear me falling, but couldn't do anything about it. I think that I was just bruised also. I'm glad to hear that you are ok, and didn't break anything.