Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have a presentation to give tomorrow and have been putting the finishing touches on it since lunch. I need to take a bit of a break so I thought I would write something.

It is a beautiful day today. Not a cloud in the sky unless I look to the far West where we have another storm approaching. We had a storm yesterday that dropped a few inches of fresh Utahesque powder on us. About two hours after the snow stopped falling the temperatures began falling and the wind began blowing. When I came into work this morning, the bank marquee said that it was -12 degrees outside. It is on days like this that I am glad I have an inside job. I am sitting here on the top floor of my building looking out a huge window to the North and watching a couple of Bald Eagles wheeling over the river. Very nice.

I just found out on Sunday that I am speaking in Church as part of the Elder's quorum presidency in a couple of weeks. I have been thinking about appropriate subjects but have not come up with one yet. I taught a lesson last week about learning to desire the things the Lord desires (see Neal A. Maxwell's October 1995 conference talk), so that subject is out but I am leaning on speaking about keeping our eye on the mark. In other words, staying focused on the gospel and not allowing ourselves to be led astray by things that don't really matter much in the long run. I'm not sure yet. We'll see.

Well, back to the presentation.


Jess and Jen said...

Hey, I spoke last week. I'll just send you my talk outline (on Repentance, based on Neal Maxwell's 1991 talk) and you can be done! Lots of word nuggets in that talk: Repentance is a rescuing, not a dour doctrine. It is for the gross sinner as well as the already-good individual striving for incremental improvement. -Jester

Papa Doc said...

Elder Holland spoke at BYU Devotional today and it was a wonderful talk. He talked about Lot's wife and why she didn't make it - it was basically (at least part of the reason) because she turned back longing for what she left behind - her heart wasn't where it should have been. Then he talked about letting the past go and move on with the future. He quoted Paul from Philippines (sp?) chapter 3 stating that we shouldn't long for the past but look to the present and future. He also used an analogy stating that we need to let past arguments and past hurts go but let ourselves and others move on toward repentence and a more hopeful future. It is wrong to bring up past mistakes in others.
I wish I could get a copy of the talk for you because I'm not stating it well, but it goes somewhat with the idea you have and might give you some additional ideas.
Good luck!
Hey - I was replaced in my calling on Sunday but wasn't released. They forgot to do it. I didn't know it was happening. (But I was sure happy it happened in the end.) The bishop called me and asked me if I have a big reserve of friendship for him and if he could draw upon it to apologize and ask for forgiveness. I just laughed and laughed. Funny happenings in the church.