Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I was sleeping

I took these pictures yesterday of the children while they were sleeping at the time when they should be waking up for school. I love sleeping children. It is so peaceful to watch them.

Here is Alyssa.
I didn't quite get her sleeping.



And here's my favorite two pictures. Daniel. The reason these are my favorite, because he has his head gear on and I'll probably never get another picture of him with that on, so I had to sneak these shots. Notice him waking up in the 2nd picture. He said, "What the heck are you doing?" I said, just getting a couple shots of you for your yearbook!


Mike and Adrianne said...

I love sleeping children too. Whatever might have happened in the day, everything is wonderful when you see your sleeping child so peaceful and happy.

Jess and Jen said...

I bet Dan's going to love having those pictures taken. -Jess

Michelle said...

You are right Adrianne, no matter how hard a day is, the best thing to do is walk in at night and watch your babies sleep. It is the best part of the day. All your stress will leave.

Donna said...

Sleeping children are soooo good and well behaved! Unfortunately, they are just recharging their batteries for the day to come (and usually into the evening)! (what a line to tell your son -- it's for the he was up in no time!)

I love reading your blogs, Michelle and Jason! They make me smile (and laugh!).

Donna said...

hmmm...not sure what is happening with my "name"... that's weird! (not to mention the time is wrong -- it's almost 4:15pm!)