Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, Christmas has come and gone once again. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I really enjoy Christmas. I like the overall feelings associated with the Christmas season. I am, however, a little burnt out on Christmas music. I am going to delete my Christmas music station on - at least until next year.

I think our children enjoyed their Christmas. We tried to keep it fairly simple this year. One of the best places to shop is a store we have here in Iowa City called Stuff. It is a second hand store that has great prices. We have bought everything from furniture to sporting equipment there. This Christmas we found some really nice shirts for the boys and a lot of books. I firmly believe that you can never have enough books. I also never throw a book away - unless it is absolute trash. I currently have two large book cases that are overly full. I am going to try to learn to make a book case (or two) this coming year.

It has also been nice to have some time off (even though I am sitting at my desk at work writing this - I had to check on something). I have been able to get some stuff done at home that I have been meaning to do. Really that means that I have been able to sit on my rear and read a good book. Our children have loved being out of school. They spend about half their day at the sledding hill and the other half back in the house trying to warm up. It has been bitterly cold here for about the past two weeks but today we are having a heat wave. The temperature is already in the mid-30's and is supposed to get into the 40's.


Jess and Jen said...

Glad you had a Merry Christmas. I think I owe my kids a trip to the sledding hill. We got pounded with snow yesterday and last night and it'll make for great sledding if I get them out there! -Jester

Papa Doc said...

I agree about the books - I love to give books and would never be unhappy with the gift of a good book.
I'm glad your kids enjoyed the day. As you can see from the blog, we now have the most perfect sledding place on the face of the earth. The little kids could sled down our back yard and the big kids could sled down Gladstan Golf course hill - it's very steep and sometimes quite dangerous.
There's nothing better in the winter than a great snowstorm. I mean, why have winter (ice, cold and misery) if there isn't something that can give you entertainment. When I was young I played outside during the winter almost as much as I did inside. We did just what your kids do - go out and play until you were so cold and wet that it became really uncomfortable. Then we'd come back in, take our socks and gloves off and put them in front of the fire in the fireplace to dry off. As soon as they were dry, we were back out there.
I'm glad you guys had a good day.

Team Clark said...

Glad you're enjoying your break!
And I agree - I'm also done with Christmas until next year!