Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December already!

Wow this year went fast. I am still in shock that Thanksgiving happened and is now gone. Only 23 days till Christmas.

New things going on in the last week:

Jason put seed in the birdfeeders and now we have birds of all types visiting our yard (word travels fast).

Our ceiling got the popcorn stuff put on it, so it looks mostly finished (at least more than it has in 4 months). It should look finished, but the taping job Jason did before the popcorn stuff is trying to fall down, so you can see the outline of the square hole. Not sure if it will ever look right unless we tear apart the entire ceiling and re-do all of it. I am dissapointed in the overall look, but really don't want to care about it anymore.

My Mom and Dad visited so we had a traditional Thanksgiving with a pretty table and awesome food. They traveled here from Ohio. Thanks Mom and Dad for making the 9 plus hour drive to be here with us. We appreciate the effort and time you took to be here.

I did a little bit of Christmas shopping. I purchased a large item for Scott, a few smaller things for Alyssa, some items for my friend Rodona, an item for Jared and two items for Jason. This is great for me since I'm a last minute shopper. I figured I'd spend a little bit per paycheck. I only spent $90 so far, so I'm doing well.

Taught a few classes over the weekend at N.D.A.C. that was fun.

Cleaned my Pampered Chef office.

Donated Plasma twice (I'm so grateful to be able to do that again) there was at least a month I wasn't able to donate because of waiting for results of a Protein test. The first two I had taken came back a point too low so I kept getting deferred for longer each time after the results of the test. This was frustrating since the money I make from donating plasma is our extra income so not having any extra this time of year was hard.

Anyway there's your update to our boring lives. Nothing much happens here. Honestly I'm not sure why I even update this since I'm not sure who even reads this thing anyway. I would love to know if you visit the blog. Ok friends and family out there, that was just an invitation to comment!!


chelsey said...

A little at a time is the way to go as far as I'm concerned! I have to do my shopping a little bit at a time too. That way it doesn't seem to hurt so bad in the budget!

Glad you had a great thanksgiving!

Jess and Jen said...

What happened to the ceiling that caused Jason to have to patch it? -jess

Jess and Jen said...

I always want to do my shopping early, but I have a hard time deciding what to buy them. I think I have bought one thing for each of my girls and Jess. I wish I was done already though! -- Jen

Heidi said...

I read your blog so keep writing! When I pulled out our stockings this year I was once again so thankful that you went the extra mile to help me out last year. Thanks again!