Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wow! The concert last night was very good. There were a variety of performances. The show choirs were great and the string duet they had on stage while the choirs were switching places was incredible. I don't know that I have ever heard to high school aged musicians play that well. They played a piece by Handel that was extremely challanging and beautiful. I was surprised by the amount of talent on that stage last night. I guess I have just been to one too many 5th and 6th grade band performances. The best part was being able to tease Caleb about wearing makeup. He was very cute with rosy cheeks and eye liner. No wonder the girls all like him.

1 comment:

Papa Doc said...

There comes a time when it's called Payback. After all the hours of listening to instruments and voices that haven't quite got it down, there comes a year or a concert where it all flows together and you sit in awe as you realize that these kids are muscians - finally!
I would sometimes get very emotional over the beauty of the music when we went to Adam & Chelsey's band concerts in Indiana and realize that all the hours they practiced were paying off. It's such a great feeling!