Sunday, May 4, 2008

Changes at Church

Today was Stake conference. Elder Glen L. Pace was in attendance to reorganize our stake presidency because President Hall is moving. He accepted a job at Church headquarters and will be moving shortly. There were no great surprises. Brad Jones, President Hall's first counselor, was called to be the new Stake President, Marlan Hansen (my boss and the former second counselor) was called to be the new first counselor, and the man Marlan replaced when he was callled into the stake presidency 6 months ago, was called to serve again as a member of the stake presidency. I was very impressed with the talks given not only by the General Authorities in attendance (Elders Pace and Melchin) but by the former and new Stake Presidents and their counselors. After the meeting, I was walking past the High Counsel room and saw Marlan's oldest son, Skylar. He worked for me last summer and has been at BYU this last year. I first knew Skylar when he was an eleven year old boy. Now he is getting ready to serve a mission. I poked my head into the room to say hello, and realized that his entire family was in there as well as Elder Melchin. Marlan, as kind and gracious as ever, stopped me, talked to me for a moment and then introduced me to Elder Melchin. I have never had someone look at me, a simple Sunday School teacher, quite the same way. I really felt that he was a true servant of God. The Lord is obviously very much in charge and is very aware of our little corner of the world. How fortunate I am to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I love him. He is my Savior. There has never been nor will there ever be a greater person born on the face of the earth.

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