Thursday, May 1, 2008

After taking a week off from teaching, I taught part of a Body Attack class and all of a Body Pump class last night. My foot still isn't ready to go back to Body Attack full force. I pulled something in my right arch (probably the plantar fascia) and it has been bugging me for a while. Last week, after class, I could barely walk. I am now largely limp free but any plantar flexion hurts. Lots of ice and Ibuprofen. It probably wouldn't hurt to lose another 10 pounds either.

The weather has finally warmed up a bit. I haven't planted flowers yet because we have had a couple night lately in the low 30's. I actually went out and covered some of my perennials that were already coming up a couple of nights ago. Everything looks good. So far in my garage I have a hydrangea, a hosta, a couple of columbines, and a bunch of lamium and bungleweed to plant. I am looking for one more showy hosta (any suggestions?) another columbine, and a clematis. This fall I am going to plant some day lillies and asiatic lillies in my one sunny bed.


Michelle said...

Jason, you are great the way you are. You are looking so skinny you don't need to loose any more weight. If you do I won't recognize you. You are getting hotter than our wedding pictures.

Jason said...

Yeah, I sure wouldn't want you sleeping with a stranger.