Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scott's Birthday

Scott turned 7 last Sunday on April 25th, and it's taken me a whole week to blog about it. Sorry about that. He had a great birthday and was happy. He reminded me for a whole month that it was coming up and how many days were left until that day.
For our traditional family dinner we let Scott pick where we would all eat. We went to Old Country Buffet. He was happy and our adopted Grandma Phyllis went with us. We had a grand ole time stuffing our faces until we felt we had our money's worth and our stomach hurt, then we went home, two days later on his actual birthday day he had cake and presents. Here are a few pictures from that fun day!

Here is Scott with all his loot. He received all he asked for and as you can tell was thrilled. He received some books, candy from his brothers, Lincoln logs for building mini houses, clothes so he can look handsome (Scott's words), a transformer and his most asked for gift in the blue box, LEGOS!!!!! Lots of fun for Scott. I can't believe my baby is 7.

1 comment:

Jess and Jen said...

That boy of yours is a smiler! Glad he had a good birthday. -Jess