Tuesday, May 26, 2009

lots of stuff

We had a very busy last week. Here are some of the highlights.

Scott had his ears checked again and still has fluid hanging out in them so he got a tube put in one ear that had the most fluid, and the Dr. said that he will probably need another tube in the other ear. Dr. Hansen which is Jason's boss did the surgery right in his office. He told Scott to sit very still and promised him ice cream. Scott did great and as a result got ice cream. Scott told me that it was the largest chocolate ice cream he's ever had in his life. So glad he can hear again out of one ear at least. I'm grateful that we know Dr. Hansen personally because this kind of service was wonderful. Normally you'd have to wait several weeks just to be seen in the Otolarengology department and then another several weeks to get the surgery scheduled. He saved us tons of time and money, and I'm so happy that he cares about our family to do this for us.

I had a tooth worked on. Basically a tooth with three different fillings in the tooth had to be replaced because not only was it was super old but more decay was happening around the fillings. I had it replaced and she said that if it goes bad then next time I'll need a crown. Fun for me. It is super sensitive right now.

Jason got to go on a couple long bike rides last week, one by himself and one 10 miler with Daniel. Daniel needed to finish up his biking merit badge so this was the last thing to do for that.

Caleb had a choir concert that was absolutely fabulous. He had a solo which I recorded on our mini video camera, but not sure how to get it off the camera onto the computer then into a post. I'm struggling with that technology. You will have to hear this boy sing. I was super surprised by how awesome he sounded and basically had to be held down at the end of the song because I wanted to shout "That's my boy!" but refrained from that embarrassment. He was so awesome. Oh my! Wow! I still can't believe it.

Alyssa is starting to read large books and really enjoying them. She is reading two books at once, both Harry Potter and Twilight. After each chapter of Twilight she comes to me and says, "Mom you just have to read this book, it's sooooooooo good." Guess I'll have to.

Brenden is working on a huge China packet for his Social Studies class. Almost finished the entire thing this long weekend. I'm proud of him for sticking with it, it looks long, boring and a pain to do. Can you tell I wasn't ever into school work?

Jared is starting to really enjoy fishing. He bought a fishing pole with his allowance and ever since has gone almost daily to our many ponds and creeks around here to catch fish. Yesterday he spend a good portion of the day digging in our garden area for worms. Both Jared and Daniel were full of mud when they finished. Most of it they kept outside.

That's it for last week. I will try and figure out the video thing and get that posted.


The Duke said...

Sounds like you all had a great week, getting lots done. I hope you are able to figure out how to post the video of Caleb singing. I am really excited to hear him. Now you know how we have felt every time our kids perform - it becomes very rewarding to us, as parents, once we suffer through the really tough, learning phase. And then all of a sudden, there are those kids blowing us out of the water with talent! Stand and shout as much as you want - I always do. :)
And Dan went on a 10 mile bike ride. Wow! I don't think I could last one block. I didn't realize they had to ride that far for the merit badge.
I'm really glad that Scott got one ear taken care of - hope he can get the other one fixed as well. I can't believe that they could do it in the office! That's truly a blessing.
Tell Alyssa that I only read one Twilight book and didn't like it at all, but Kaitlin and Gillian are big fans of the series. But I loved the Harry Potter books. I'm impressed she is reading such long, large books.
Why kind of fish is Jared catching? Are they edible?
Brenden - good for you for getting your project done!
Great family doings this past week!
Mom C.

Jason said...

The 10 mile ride for Dan was one of 5 rides he was required to do. They have to do two 10 milers, two 25 milers, and one 50 miler. I wasn't sure he was going to make it through the 50 miler but he did it. He now officially has earned his cycling merit badge.
Cycling is one of those sports where equipment matters. 50 miles on a mountain bike is very hard but on a road bike it is a piece of cake.