Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Grandpa Lewis

Last night around 2a.m. my Grandfather passed away while sleeping. He was diagnosed with Leukemia a little over a week ago. Because of this and other complications with his health he wasn't doing well. I hope right now he is holding hands with Grandma in heaven because he has looked forward to this day for several years.

I just wanted to take a minute to remember him.

My grandfather loved me and held me when I was a baby. This means a lot since my Grandma used to tell me that he didn't hold very many babies.

When I was young I would take long walks with him around the yard and help him with his big beautiful garden. He had a huge garden with gorgeous plants that he cared so much about. I would help by pulling the rocks out so he could till the garden. One day while walking alongside Grandpa I found an odd shaped rock. It was an arrowhead. He told me I was really lucky I found it. I still have it to this day.

We would take walks about a 1/2 mile behind his home to a house called the "underground house" It was this weird, yet modern looking home built back there and we would go check it out all the time.

He would let me play in the creek and catch frogs and actually bring them near the house a few times.

He had a real working well in the backyard and I loved working with it until I could pump water all the way to the top. He told me I was the strongest person because nobody else could get the water to the top. Then I found out later that he told all the grandchildren this, so it was funny every time he would say it.

One day my tooth was super loose, he got out the pliers and worked on my tooth, or pretended to, then with a pinch out that tooth came. Every time I had a loose tooth I said I needed Grandpa to get it out so I'd get money from the tooth fairy.

Grandpa loved playing the game Sorry and other card games. We would play and laugh till really late at night then he would tell me I was being too goofy and had to sleep.

He took me for rides in his beautiful classic car. Grandma said that it was a special treat to ride in that car because Grandpa kept it super clean and didn't take it out much.

I will miss him. I'm grateful to know he is now in the arms of our loving Heavenly Father.


The Duke said...

What wonderful memories you have of your grandfather. I'm really glad that you made this post and shared a little about his life. I'm sorry that he has passed away, but, like you, we know that he will be in a better, happier place. It sounds like he lived a great life.
Please extend our condolances to your family for us.

chelsey said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! It's never easy letting go, but like you said, it's wonderful to know he's in a much better place. Lots of love to you and your family!