Friday, June 14, 2013

extra letter from Caleb--Friday, June 14th, 2013

I got permission to write you to tell you that on Tuesday morning, someone broke into the Yorba Linda 3 East car (which is the one that ferries us around) and stole my scriptures. There was a camera in there, a gps and many other things, but the only thing that was stolen was my scriptures. 
I literally just received a phone call from someone in the ward saying that a woman wants to talk to me. 
Ok, now I just called her, her name is Nicky. I guess she was walking a few days ago and found my scriptures! They were on the ground behind a few cars, about 2 miles from where we live. I am going by at 5 today to pick them up. She only got in contact with me because there was a printed referral email in my scripture tote from one of the members who used to be in the stake presidency. it happened to have a phone number, so she called it and figured out how to find me. Well, turns out I don't need to email you about my scriptures after all!
Love you Mom, hope you're doing all right! The Sister in that picture was Sister Parkinson.
Elder Clark


Jason said...

The Lord looks after his missionaries. I'm glad they were found.

gillian said...

How awesome! Love that little story.