Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Letter from Caleb--March 18, 2013

What a crazy busy week. I am honestly exhausted. I got a new companion this last Tuesday, fresh out of the Missionary Training Center in Utah. He was only there for 2 weeks! Lucky goose. I was there for 3. His name is Elder Rast, and he is from Dallas Texas. With him being 6'2" and 245 lbs, and me being 6'1" and 230 lbs, I think we are two of the biggest missionaries in the mission. Not fat, just physically intimidating. I got him hooked up with an awesome bike too, and while he can't move that quickly yet, I know he will get there within a few months, and we are going to cruise. 

Elder Rast is honestly an answer to many prayers I have had over the last few weeks. I think it is honestly incredible how much Heavenly Father knows us, and how well we work together. I have been really thankful for the opportunities we have had to teach this week. 

A woman saw us on Saturday walking to go get a bike, and stopped us and talked to us for a few minutes. Then she invited us to go to "Ex-Mormons for Jesus, which just recently downsized to a new building." I told her no thank you, that we were "Current Mormons for Jesus" but that she and her friends were welcome to come to church with us whenever they pleased. She was very nice, but there was a coldness that seemed to emanate from her person. 

We had the opportunity to teach two lessons in church yesterday. One in "Young Men's Group" and one in "Gospel Essentials." I didn't know how either lesson would go, but I prayed that we would be able to have the spirit with us and teach with power. In Gospel Essentials, it started a little rocky, as Elder Rast and I  were trying to get into a pattern, but by the end of the lesson there was not a dry eye in the room. The spirit was so strong. We had a lot of people in the class who are not members of the church, and they seemed touched by the lesson. 

We have had a lot to do lately. I have been in a suit almost every day for the past 2 weeks, and me thinks it is time to get it dry cleaned. 

I am training now, which means my daily schedule has changed a little bit. I have two hours of companion study now (again) so in a typical day, we:
6:30- wake
6:30-8:00- workout, eat, shower.
8:00- personal study of the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Preach My Gospel (the missionary manual)
9:00- Companion study
11:00 Lunch
12:00-6:00- Tract, serve, teach
6:00- dinner at a members home
7:00-9:00- Tract, serve, teach
9:00- Daily Planning
9:30- Personal Time
10:30- Sleep

That is the schedule I have been following for almost 5 months, but for a few weeks while I wasn't being trained or training we only had one hour of companion study time.  Mondays are our time to prepare for the week by doing laundry, shopping, cleaning, emailing and doing sports. 

We had a really good dinner with a member last night. The food was good, but the message that we shared was really sweet. I asked Elder Rast to lead out, and he talked about good things to come, and shared the "Mormon Message" that pertained to it.


I tried to paste it, but it seems that in 5 months, my proficiency with a computer has certainly decreased. Turns out when you use something only once or twice a week, you loose skills. The family expressed how they really needed to hear that message right then. The mother said they were going through a really tough time, but that it was comforting to hear that better things were coming and that they just needed to hold on. It is so amazing to me how the spirit works, and how incredible lessons are when the spirit is with us. 

We taught 16 lessons this week, including 9 lessons with a member present, which is pretty good. We also got 3 new investigators (people who are learning about our beliefs).

I am so thankful for the things that we have been able to do out here. I feel so blessed to be here in California, doing the things that we are doing. I feel so blessed to be serving others and spreading the Gospel. 

Got to go, but I love you all! Please write either by mail or here on email! My mom has the mailing address and will be glad to give it out. 

With love,
Elder J. Caleb Clark

1 comment:

The Duke said...

This was a wonderful post. I loved listening to his link to Elder Holland's talk as well. I need to be reminded of good things to come every day.
Caleb sounds happy and busy.