Sunday, March 24, 2013

I did it

It was hard, but isn't everything having to do with exercise hard? I ran, completely ran, no walking at all, a 5K yesterday.

 Now you may think, big whoop, whatever you have ran a lot further in the past, like 22 miles. Well that was last year and as many of you know I had some major things happen between my 22 miler and yesterday. I had a major left ankle injury which included 3 high ankle sprains, a bone bruise, bone marrow edema, cyst in my knee that exploded, arthritis in my knee and ankle that hurt when I'm really cold, bone spur in the right ankle, and a blood clot in my calf.

 Because of all of that, I had to start over with getting back into cardiovascular exercise, so basically start over getting back into shape. I had also gained 18 pounds during all this, so I had to loose that weight. All of it isn't gone yet, but half of it is.

 Plus I had to relearn to walk correctly again, then I had to slowly learn to run again. It has been a HARD journey and one I don't want to repeat, nor would I wish any of my pain and suffering on anyone else. I definitely have more compassion for those who suffer with injuries.

 Anyway, I finally Ran an entire 5K again and I'm just so happy about it. Not only that, but my time was ok. I'm a girl who prefers to have 5K times under 30 minutes, but after these last crazy 4 months. I'm just happy to run again. Yesterday I cherished every moment.

 When it got really hard at around mile 2, I remembered not being able to run and how sad I was. I thought of those who can't run. Then I ran harder and my third mile was faster than the first two. I had an incredible feeling inside. One of pure joy. I found a pace that made me feel like I was flying and to me I was. How great I felt all day yesterday.

 Now today I woke up with sore legs, a stomach ache that just won't pass and a headache, but the thought of running again is one I am excited to try again for tomorrow. My next 5K is in 2 weeks. May I be faster and enjoy the journey once again.


Jason said...

You've got to be ready for the Soldier Field 10 miler in 2 months.

Michelle said...

I will be. Doing 4 miles Wednesday early morning!