Sunday, August 7, 2011

I am so tired of being a parent. I know this is just a stage, and things will pass, and will get better, and blah, blah, blah. I know there is no such thing as a perfect family but is it too much to ask for a peaceful, fight-free Sunday (or Monday, Tuesday, etc...)? I know they have been taught better.

I finally really lost my temper tonight. Nobody is speaking to me right now because they are afraid that I will go off again. Unfortunately, they are probably right. Caleb is doing his best to calm things down by playing hymns on the piano in the other room but if Dan comes back up the stairs with one more stupid comment, I might just kick him out of the house.

I just want peace.


The Duke said...

Take a trip to Mackay, Idaho. That will soothe your soul.
(It will get better - for a while, at least.)

Donna Mundi said...

Michele, now you know how your parents felt. It all comes back to us eventually. Just think - someday your grandchildren will do that to them - sweet justice!