Monday, March 8, 2010

Time for a deep, relaxing breath.

Show Choir season is officially over. Both Brenden and Caleb had their final concerts this weekend. In addition to their normal show, Caleb also did two special numbers. One was a duet and the other was a 9 voice arrangement of "Nearer My God To Thee." It was absolutely beautiful. Caleb spearheaded the whole piece. He found the arrangement, auditioned the boys, and got them all together for practices. He has a real future in music if he so decides. Brenden also did a great job. He had his choreography down and looked great. They sounded and looked much more polished than last time. I am proud of both of them.

We have finally broken out of the 30's and have forecasted temps in the 40's all week. Unfortunately, we also have rain forecasted. That is never a good thing when the ground is still frozen. The "authorities" have predicted a 30-50% chance of significant flooding again this year. Let's hope not. It is nice to see part of my lawn once again.

Michelle is getting her hair cut today. Not just a trim, but a let's-donate-9-inches-of-hair chop. I am a little nervous for her but I am sure she will be even more beautiful than normal.


The Duke said...

I wish I had 9" to donate because I plan to chop mine off really short as soon as I can get an appointment. I'm really hating my hair right now. I think it will be a shock to everybody to see her with short hair - but hey, it grows back if she doesn't like it.
Congratulations to both boys. It sure is fun to watch kids grow and develop over the school year when the perform like this.
I read something the other day that worried me about the potential of flooding for you guys again this year. Buy some sandbags!!

Jason said...

If our house ever floods from the river, you will know that the Lord didn't keep his promise to Noah.