Thursday, March 18, 2010

Questions--Just Ask

Since two of my sister in laws have posted a similar post on their blog, I thought I'd do this too. Because I've been wondering . . . What questions do you want to ask me?

So go ahead, ask away. As long as it's appropriate. Ask any question you want answered about Jason or about me?


The Duke said...

If you could take a trip without kids where would you most want to go? This doesn't include Pampered Chef trips because you win those and get to go - this is just where you would dream about going anywhere in the world.

Mike said...

Hey, mom just asked my question. Besides exercising what is your favorite thing to do? What hobbies do you have?

Mike said...

What do you want to do when you get old (have no kids at home)?

Lokodi said...

What was it about Jason that made you say "yes"? Also, did you always want a big family or did you just take them one at a time?


Michelle said...

Answer for Chris: If I could take a trip without children where would I go. Definately a 12 Night Round Trip Mediterranean Cruise. This way I could see lots of cities I've always wanted to visit!

Michelle said...

From Mike: Besides Exercising what is my favorite thing to do and what hobbies do I have?
I love to ice skate, scrapbooking, shopping, playing piano and definately traveling.

2nd part from Mike: (by the way, is this Adrianne?)
What do I want to do when I get old?

First, how old is old? I don't think it's when the children are gone because I will only be 50 when that could potentially happen.

But to answer this question. I would like to move to a warm tropical place!

Michelle said...

From Lindsey, she asked what was it about Jason that made me say Yes?
He's so hot! And I just knew he was the right person for me.

2nd part, Did I always want a large family?

Heck no. I wanted 0 children when we first got married, then they just happened one at a time and everything was going fine. We talked about having just 4 children. But after 4 boys and wanting a girl so badly, we tried one more time and got a girl! So I was done. The Lord had other plans and we got our bonus baby boy Scott!

Mike and Adrianne said...

The first question was from me (Adrianne) and the second one was from Mike.

chelsey said...

Do you have any quick and easy healthy recipes that kids will eat?

Michelle said...

I have quick and easy recipes for adults that they will eat, but as far as children. They don't enjoy vegetables. I do have a chicken fajatis recipe done in the microwave and it has peppers and onions in it. Most of my children ate that. It takes 12-15 minutes to make in the microwave and you just bake it in the Deep Covered Baker from Pampered Chef. There's over 50 Microwave recipes to do in that dish. Love it because it saves so much time. The other night I got home, cut 3 bell pepers down the sides and cut two chunks of white onion, threw them in that dish with some Southwestern Seasoning mix, then threw raw chicken on top of that. Cooked on high in the microwave for 13 minutes and the fajatis were done that quick. I then took my Mix and Chop to cut through the peppers, onions and chicken so it was in smaller pieces. Super yummy!