Friday, January 8, 2010

You found it where???

This morning I still couldn't find my cell phone. I noticed it missing last night. So today I asked Daniel to call it over and over so I could run around and look for it. I still couldn't find it.

In walks Jason with my frozen phone. He found it in a snowbank. It wouldn't open all the way, but it was working.

Apparently yesterday I must have dropped it.

So grateful I had it on ring mode because I leave it on silent most of the time and had it been on silent we may not have found it till Spring.

Because it was frozen so solid it still works, I just let it come to room temperature and it opens up completely again.

Too FUNNY!!!!!!


The Duke said...

Oh, that's a relief! I'm amazed that it works. We end up running around our house letting it ring over and over just to find the cordless phones. Maybe that's why Jim doesn't want a cell phone - just one more thing to find.

chelsey said...

That's alright. We lost Geoff's backpack this morning. I spent all stinking morning looking for it! I sent him to school without it and told him he'd have to take study hall because he didn't have his homework to turn in.

Guess where I found it??

Inside the cabinets in the kitchen island! What the heck?

Needless to say, we'll be having a long discussion about what he must've been trying to hide. His interim report was in there, but his grades were fine. Why was he trying to hide his backpack? And if he didn't stash it there, who the heck did and why?
Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my morning!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Sounds like the time I mailed my keys to Belgium on accident.