Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bummed out

So with the car repair we dodged a bullet and came home with $0 in bills from it. Thank goodness it had a warranty. However we took our van into the shop for it's oil change and check up. The van's front defrost and heater haven't been working well for a while and last week the front defrost and heater went out altogether.

They called and said that something had shorted out and melted in the heating unit and the parts are over $400 and the labor over $200 and on top of that our brakes are needing work so that's another couple hundred to add. No warranty to fall back on for that.

So there you have it, our vacation account drained again. Guess we aren't going to Washington DC in April after all.

So bummed out and sick of repairs.


Lokodi said...

I'm so sorry. I hate having to deal with car issues too. They have a way of draining all extra expenses. We have to get new brakes for one of our cars too. It's so expensive!


The Duke said...

I hate car expenses, too. There's nothing to dampen the spirits quite like the sight of balding tires or a sound in the car that dosen't sound quite right. I absolutely hate cars. I used to say, "If we had a horse we'd just shoot it and go on but with a car we just keep fixing the dang thing until it dies on its own."
So sorry to hear this news!

Dave and Tana said...

Oh no! We were really looking forward to you guys coming out!