Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Freaked out

Today was my day to drive the older boys to seminary. On my way home I noticed I was being followed by a big black pick up truck.

I turned a couple streets to get to my house and the truck followed me.

Here I was at 6:30 in the morning, still dark outside and I'm worried that someone is following me. I turn into my driveway and the truck parks in the street across from our driveway. I grab my phone and start to think real quick

Do I try and run to the front door and hope it's unlocked and then scream for Jason?


Do I call 911 from my phone in the car and lock the doors and hope no one gets me?

So I sit there and just wait a second and watch the truck from the mirrors. A man gets out and starts to walk towards my driveway, then he turns and walks around his truck to the house across the street with their newspaper.

So it was all nothing after all. I was scared of the paperboy.

Guess I've been watching too much of that show "Criminal Minds"


Jess and Jen said...

That would have freaked me out too! Once when I was in high school my brother and I were coming home from somewhere and there was a car in front of us that was making all the same turns we were. I'm sure she was afraid we were following her because she turned onto my street, then into our driveway. We pulled into our driveway too and opened up the garage door. I'll bet she felt silly! It was pretty funny for us though. -Jen

The Duke said...

Sheesh - I would have been scared, too! I delivered newspapers one year when we lived in CA and I had on a big overcoat and a hat because it was cold one morning - a woman came out of the house just as I turned the corner to toss her paper on her porch. She saw me and I don't know which one of us screamed louder - her or me! I kept yelling, "I'm just the paperboy!!" It was scary but funny.
I'm just about done with the book, "Shattered Silence" and that is one scary, freaky book! I think I will always be looking behind my back from now on.
Glad you were ok and that it was a safe situation.

SuzyQ01 said...

I would have freaked out too! I'm glad it turned out to be nothing