Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weather woes

I have had it!! I am tired of wearing a coat. I am tired of snow. I am tired of the tip of my nose freezing off as I ride my bike into work. It's April. It should be warmer than the miserable 30 degrees it is right now. At least tomorrow is supposed to be in the 50s.


The Duke said...

I know your pain! We have had two very nice days - still a little nip in the air, but nice and sunny. Tomorrow it's supposed to snow. The mountains are still covered and we got 8" last weekend on our yard!
I think we are probably going to completely miss spring this year - we'll just skip right into hot summer.

chelsey said...

I agree too! It's supposed to get down to 25 tonight and it's about 35 right now! It's been flurries and rain and hail for 2 days now and we're all really tired of it here. The kids are on Spring Break and it STINKS I can't just send them outside to play. We went to the mall today just so the kids could play on the indoor playground! That's pretty lame, but hey, we're out of the house.