Monday, June 3, 2013

Iowa City is flooding again in 2013

On Sunday after dinner, Jason and I with Alyssa and Scott traveled around Iowa City and Coralville to see the Dam and some of the flooding. Took some great pictures of everyone on the spill way, which by the way has the water within a foot from the top.
The river and bridge at the Iowa River Power building.  The water was super
close to the bridge.

The river is WAY out of it's banks, taking over many walkways, trees and other precious land.

Sandbagging going on everywhere.

Once at the spill way at the Dam, we saw this sign.  Let's hope
the water doesn't come close to this.  Right now it's about 3-4 feet down from
the signs. 

Scott, Jason and Alyssa on top of the spillway.  Posing for pictures.  They kept
begging me to go up there.  I did once briefly, however my scared of heights thing made me get right back down.

Alyssa jumping in the air.

Close up of Alyssa.

Another AWESOME picture, just glad she didn't fall backward or forward cause it's a long way down.

Close up of same picture. 

Jason and I taking a picture of ourselves!

Another picture just for fun.

Down by the river there were lots of blockades.  You could only go so close to the rushing water.

The rushing dam.

Flood walls that were put all the way around the Art building.  Guess this is what happens
when the University is afraid of spending millions on redoing a building that they just
finished since the last flood.  Wonder how much those walls cost?

Dubuque street flooded over and blocked off.


The Duke said...

I hope the river doesn't do much damage.Scary!!

Jason said...

It looks like the river is going to crest tomorrow just short of going over the emergency spillway. That means that we got lucky and will not have a repeat of 2008 or 1993.