Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Daniel's jaw surgery

Just a disclaimer about this post first. If Daniel sees this post and wants it removed, it will be deleted, so just know that if you come back a few days from now and it's not here, it's because he doesn't want it to be.

 Daniel's lower jaw was too far back and was creating some major bite problems. Jason and I were told that in the future this off set bite could cause even bigger problems, so we (Daniel, Jason and I) all agreed to the surgery. In the surgery today he had his lower jaw broken and brought forward, then 4 teeth removed (two being wisdom teeth that were deeply impacted way up there). Daniel's surgery was scheduled for 11:30a.m. but around 11:15a.m. we were informed that an emergency surgery came in and Dan's surgery would be pushed back an hour or two or three. At 1:15 we were told that a room had been opened. 1:30 and Daniel's IV was implanted in his left hand. Daniel did so well and didn't even flinch. At 2p.m. he was brought back to the operating room. Soon after the surgery would begin. By 6ish p.m. the surgeon called Jason to tell him that the surgery was done and Daniel was being woke up. We didn't get to see him till way after 7p.m. Here are a couple pictures of the evening:
Daniel right after surgery in his room.  It's so hard to see him like this.

Alyssa and Brenden hopped over a wall to be in with the Clown Herky.  I'm not sure what pose they are doing.

Brenden practicing running in the hospital.


chelsey said...

Hope he recovers quickly!

The Duke said...

Tell Dan we are praying for his speedy recovery. It's never easy to see one of your children in pain. I hope he is pleased with the results. Love you guys!

Jess and Jen said...

Wow...now he can be just like his dad who also broke his jaw in his younger years. Lots of smoothies! -Jess

Andrea said...

They are doing the Tebow. (you don't know me. I'm Heidi McClellan's sister-in-law :)

Nicole and Brent Prime said...

Poor kid! Hope the recovery is quick!