Thursday, April 28, 2011

Can't believe my baby is 9!

Time sure has gone fast. I can't believe it's been 9 years since I was pregnant, but it has been. Scott's name was a hard one to come up with. Before him we had 4 boys and since I had picked out several girl names (thinking that I'd have all girls) I didn't have any names for this one. It took us a while to come up with his name, but then we decided on Scott Thomas Clark. He has Three last names. For some people these are three First names. For I know many people with the first name Scott, others with a  first name of Thomas and I know a guy named Clark. Anyway Scott was named after Richard G. ScottThomas S. Monson and Clark because that just makes sense.  Scott we are so glad to have you in our family.  Your three last names mean that you are the last Clark child to be in our family.  It's very special to be the baby!
Here is a very current picture of Scott taken this past Sunday before church.

Another picture.  I asked him to smile naturally, this is what I got!

Scott asked for a Strawberry cake with vanilla icing with strawberries on top.  This is what I came up with.

Another picture, this time with candles.

He is thrilled to have his birthday!  For dinner the family went to Scott's pick of a restaurant, he picked Bennigans

Scott actually asked for clothes for this birthday.  He likes this shirt.

Scott asked for LOTS OF LEGOS, so I bought him a few different sets.  He was thrilled.


The Duke said...

It looks like this kiddo had a great birthday. That cake looks absolutely yummy! Wish we had been there to help eat it.
He's a cute boy and is growing up quickly!!
We love you, Scott.

Alyssa said...

He was happy. Even though he bothers me sometimes he is a great brother. Happy Birthday Scott! :)

SuzyQ01 said...

Wow...I can't believe he's 9! Happy (belated) birthday Scott!!

Janessa said...

I can not belive he's 9! I still picture him as a little preschooler. I like his name. I didn't realize who he was named after. Looks like he had a fun birthday. That cake looks yummy!