Monday, August 24, 2009

Early Morning Seminary

Another school year, another early morning seminary year. This year we have two boys in High school and boy were they ever grumpy this morning. It was so hard to get them up. Took almost 15 minutes. I started out by just softly whispering, "Time to get up boys!" Then turned their light on, then did a load of laundry, then walked in there and talked louder and told them how they were wasting "getting ready minutes" Then I talked louder and tickeled their feet.

After Caleb had showered and was somewhat of a better mood, or so I thought he says, "Why didn't you wake me up at 5:40a.m.?" I told him I did and it took him a while to get up and that I had gone in his room three times before tickling his feet. He was mad that it was 6:11a.m. and he hadn't eaten anything yet and we have to leave by 6:20a.m. so he can get there in time.

I just continued making pancakes and mixing up the orange juice so they would both have a nice breakfast. I tried to ignore the fighting going on between them.

Caleb then says, "Why did you wash my white t-shirt?"

I told him that it was gross and on the floor of his room and I thought I'd be nice and give him fresh clothes.

Sometimes you wonder why you even try to be a nice parent because the lack of respect and the fighting just continues.

While in the van on the way to seminary the fighting between Caleb and Daniel continued. Caleb couldn't take the mouth of Daniel anymore and took his front seat, loosened it and smashed it backwards into Daniel's body, then Daniel said words that are less than nice to Caleb that I seriously can't write on this blog, then the punching started. This is all while I'm trying to drive just 3 miles to seminary.

Seriously I don't deserve this kind of contention. Glad tomorrow is Jason's day to get up with the boys. I will be teaching an aerobics class at 5:15a.m. so I get to escape.


Jess and Jen said...

I now have to wake Abby up early enough to get to school at 8:20, but it's nothing compared to your task! good luck with your boys! -Jen

SuzyQ01 said...

Gosh, I thought I was grumpy at that time of the morning! LOL Good luck!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Good luck with the rest of the year. I think you handled the situation quite well...

The Duke said...

I'm sorry you had such a rough beginning to the seminary year. Ironic, isn't it, that we send them off to learn about the Savior and they act just the opposite. Hopefully what they learn will sink in eventually and they will realize that their behavior doesn't reflect what they learn or how they ought to live.
Don't give up on them - it will sink in. Mom's just have to have very tough, think skins.

Jessica Sorensen said...

Sounds like a fun morning can't wait until I have teenagers.

Tana said...

wow..boys! good luck! you definatley handled it better that i would have.

Jason said...

I'm not sure what the problem is. They were angels this morning. They got up when I told them to, ate breakfast without so much as a single word (other than thank you), and were in the van ready to leave at 6:15. Caleb even told me that his goal this year was to be on time every day. Overall, a very nice morning. I think, Michelle, you just got a bad roll of the early morning dice.

Papa Doc said...

Chris and I both taught early morning seminary. It is a challange for both the teacher and the students. I am glad that K is going and hope he will make it a good year. It is he that must do it, not his parents.

It is so important, that there will be heavenly help for him and for parents, too, if you ask for it in prayer. This is one kind of prayer that gets answered readily if there is even the slightest effort put out to do the job.

I am not happy to hear of such comtention, but it will get better if they just try a little.

So is Dan taking Seminary, too?

Dad Clark