Thursday, August 13, 2009

No way is this happening.

We were informed today by Caleb that he has a date tomorrow (his 16th birthday). How is this possible? I was just teaching him how to throw a ball, to ride a bike, to mow the lawn, etc... Now, some girl thinks she can sink her cootie-ridden claws into my little boy. I know that it is inevitable but can't it wait for just a few more years? Three more years and Caleb will be on a mission and in 12 years we will be empty nesters. I am a little saddened by this but again, it is going to happen whether I want it to or not. Don't forget to create good memories. I have all too frequently been buried in the day to day stresses of raising 6 children and have not spent enough time enjoying them. It's time to change that.


LanceandNance said...

Whoa, this is big-time Jason. Your kids are now dating. This puts you in a whole other league of parenting. Good luck with that.

Lokodi said...

Wow! Caleb doesn't waste time does he? What a womanizer. You go boy. hee hee hee. Just remember who you are and what you stand for. :) (don't you love my cheezy phrase?)


The Duke said...

:) I'm grinning. Now you're about to really know the worries and concerns of moms and dads. I think you already know those, but this is a big one. I hope Caleb is respectful of you as parents and realizes that he has a responsibilty to check in with you and to behave himself.
Oh wow -- sorry it has hit so soon for you. :)
Caleb will be 16 tomorrow. Incredible.

Jess and Jen said...

Wow..that's pretty impressive. Hope you all survive the big day! -Jen