Friday, January 25, 2013

Letter from Caleb 1-21-13

Another letter from Caleb.  For those of you visiting the blog for the first time.  My son is on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for two years serving in Anaheim, California.

I have changed names to protect privacy of those he mentions.

Hi Family!
This week has been an interesting one for sure. I was out of commission until Wednesday, which last week happened to be our P-Day because we were going to the temple. We were carpooling to the temple to save miles (because missionary cars only get 1100 a month) so we were waiting at the San Juan building for the sisters to show up. They show up at 11:46 and we have to be in Newport by 12:00. Everyone else left at 11:30. So we race over on the 5, down the 55, hit the 79, and get off at Bison St. We finally get to the temple, and the Sisters race out of the car, not even saying good-bye. We get up the steps a minute later and the temple worker told us he just let two sisters in but he couldn't let us in as it was now 12:00 and we were late.
 The AP's were understanding and rescheduled the three of us (Elder's W., H., and I) for the temple this week at 8:30 AM. Elder H. is upset because he has to do exchanges with the Zone Leader's while we go. Hahaha. I love the ZL's, I don't know why he doesn't. They are the best examples I could ask for out here.
It's been warm this week. 80 degrees for the last 2 days! The Santa Ana winds have been coming in the night, and they are something impressive to behold. They usually go through the morning but extinguish by 12. Palm trees are really cool to see bend over. They look like they are just going to break apart but somehow they don't.
I've had many really strange dreams lately. One of note was when Martin and I went to get Bowser but somehow I was a samuri, and Bowser became Mew-Two. There was an explosion and then we worked together to make dairy queen burgers in an assembly line. Needless to say I awoke in confusion.
How exactly do you make french toast?
My ears are killing me. The actual cartilage hurts. Usually just the left one, but it cycles. I've tried to find a cut or something that would warrant the pain, but I haven't found anything logical.
I think you're a nut for running. And for traveling to South Carolina to do it. What nutcases. Surely you are not normal.
Could you please send me a bike repair book? I have no idea how to adjust the bottom bracket on my bike as the bottom bracket was manufactured after the ancient book I have was published. I'm pretty sure things like "triathlon bikes","shock posts", and "aluminum", didn't exist when this book was published. Seriously. Its really old, and its written in olde English. "Thou shalt not over tighten a head stem when thou art adjusting it." Save me. Please.
We have 6 investigators with a baptismal date. We got 4 in about a week. That is not even the best part. They are opening a new apartment soon on the other side of the area, where 5 of our investigators live. They are moving sisters in there when it happens, so we will loose everyone but Ned.
I've learned a lot in the past two weeks. Mostly I've learned that everything changes and you have to be really quick on your feet. I've also learned that there is a really good reason I have been sent to this particular area. I firmly believe that there are people that only certain people can help. Everyone is a lock, and everyone has their own set of keys as well. There have been situations where I would have been unable to help, but Elder H. is perfect for. There have also been situations the other way as well.
I am continually impressed by how much God loves his children. I have met many people who's lives are broken and crushed. People who are empty shells. People who have forgotten that they are a child of God. Heavenly Father looks out for his children, and I have seen that happen. Small miracles can change the world.
Elder Clark

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