Friday, January 21, 2011

Just a couple things

On January 8th our local gym, North Dodge Athletic Club had a ZUMBA party

We have 6 instructors, from Left to Right
Kim, Holly, Sandra, Jason, Me and Allison

What a great group of instructors. We had so much fun dancing that night. There were over 65 in attendance and we danced for 2 hours. There were prizes, food and tons of fun. Afterwards people were saying that we should do this every month.

Alyssa has a Wacky Day at school and she wanted her hair to be really different. So she asked me to french braid it in a zig zag. I did the best I could. I think it turned out great. It actually looked better in person.

A view from the top of her head.

It's negative 15 degrees out today. I don't want to go outside. Our house guest Anton is in Key West, Florida for 6 days and I have to say this:

I'm super jealous.


The Duke said...

That's cool hair! I would never have been able to figure that one out!
Negative 15..... brrrrrr. And I thought we were cold.
I'm ready for spring. Winter has been too long already.

Jess and Jen said...

I am super jealous of your french braiding abilities. I've never been good at that. I keep trying it on the girls, but I always end up taking it out because I can't make it look good! -Jen

Papa Doc said...

Fifteen below? W0W! Keep the door closed. Stay inside, and pay the gas bill. Is there snow outside?

That young lady is great. She needs to send me some of her poems or writting. I miss her and love her cute smile and personality.

Dad Clark

Dave and Tana said...

I love the braid!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the comments. This morning the temperature has come up to 4 degrees on the positive side and is scheduled to get up to 15 degrees, hopefully by 12noon. I hope so since I'm running a 5K outside in just a couple hours called a Freeze Fest. Just hope I really don't freeze.