Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm a race director - kind of

For the past 6 weeks or so I have been working on putting together my first race. Finally the pieces are starting to fall into place. The North Dodge Athletic Club Indoor Triathlon is set for Jan. 29 ( or I have changed the typical format a bit to make the race easier to handle from a logistical standpoint. There will be a 10 minute swim in our pool followed by a 30 minute spin (on a spin bike of course) and finally a 20 minute run on the treadmill. Winners will be decided by total distance traveled within the time limit. So far, I have been able to get several sponsorships from local merchants and am hoping to reel in the final ones this week so that we can get t-shirts printed. Any money we make over our costs will be donated to our local Ronald McDonald house. We are also giving each participant an opportunity to help by donating any amount of money they wish on top of their registration fee.

The race is only about 25% full right now but I am hoping that we will fill all of our spots in the next 10 days. Wish us luck.


The Duke said...

Good luck - this is an awesome opportunity. I hope you completely fill up and I really like the fact that you are donating to the Ronald McDonald House.
Yeah for you!

Dave and Tana said...

Fun stuff! I hope it all works out great.