Sunday, July 19, 2009


What do you consider a productive week?

Is it when you get a bunch of laundry done? Is it when you actually do everything on your to-do list? Is it when you finally take the children swimming after they've been begging for a week? Is it when your room is clean and you can actually tell your children to clean their room because you have shown the example finally? Is it when you finish the book you are reading? Is it when you meet a goal you've been working on?

Sometimes I feel like life is going too fast and too crazy. Is it that I'm old now? How old is old? A horse is old at 20, A dog is old at 10, yet a fly is old at 2 days. My children are growing up way too fast. Alyssa will be 10 by the end of week and Caleb will be 16 in just 4 weeks. I remember holding their newborn bodies and hoping those moments would last forever.

Somedays I just need to go fast like today when Caleb, Daniel, Jared and Brenden were all fighting. They fought so bad today that everyone ended up in their rooms with doors shut so no one could talk to eachother. Now they are all sleeping and the house is quiet and peaceful so as I reflect on this day I ask myself, did I handle it well?

Somedays I like to sit and just enjoy and watch the children play. But watching is all I really like to do. Parenting not so much. It can be so hard and unrewarding. Where's the love? When do you feel like you've done a good job? When do you stop worrying? When do you stop crying?


Mike and Adrianne said...

Michelle, I think you do a great job at parenting. I was really impressed by your kids when you were in Utah. They are great kids and it is because you and Jason mostly.

I agree. I have a hard time with the new baby stage but I also feel sad that my kids are already growing up so much. My kids haven't gone to preschool partly because I just want them to be home with me! But then, if you read my blog you also know that somedays they drive me nuts...

Lokodi said...

That was funny when you said you held your new borns and wished that moment would last forever. I feel the exact opposite from that. When I hold the newborns, I panic and can't wait till they are older. Now that Eva is almost three, I am relaxing a bit more because now she's fun (horrid and crazy sometimes, but fun). Gabe is a whole different story though. Sometimes I feel bad for not liking motherhood that much. I like to just sit and watch too. The parenting part bites the big one sometimes. Thanks for your post.


chelsey said...

Makes you wonder what Heavenly Father thinks, huh. Does he cry as much as we do? He's the ultimate parent. I always have to remind myself that. Today is one of those days around here too. Geoff has 2 hrs in his room and Sarah 1 hr. They know how to push each other's buttons pretty good. It gets rather old for me and I find myself wondering the same things you are. How am I doing at this whole parenting thing?? Especially when we have days like this? At least we can take comfort in the fact that we all have these times. I would say any parent that doesn't have days like these isn't a real parent! You're doing great! And I can't wait to see your kids (which ones are coming to the wedding?) in a few weeks.