Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cell phones

There are many good things about technology but sometimes I wish some of what we have didn't exist. Cell phones being the prime example. I resisted getting one for years. I really don't feel the need to be in constant contact with the rest of the world. Nor do I feel the need for the rest of the world be be able to contact me at any time. I realize that I am a member of a different generation than today's youth who find the idea of not being connected horrifying, and as such have tried to keep my feelings somewhat to myself. Both Caleb and Dan have cell phones. Actually I am not sure why they are called phones at all. They are really just mobile texting devices, which brings me to the point here. I have been shocked to find out what Dan has been texting. The manner that he talks to girls (well, one girl) is rude, hurtful, and profane. When confronted with this, he merely said, "well, at least I'm not saying it out loud." I just stared at him in shock. Does he really think that writing something rather than saying it is somehow more appropriate? Where did he get the idea that you can treat a girl that way? Certainly not from me. He further went on to explain his profane language in subsequent texts to his friends in terms of being angry, "I was mad, I don't normally use those words, I was just mad." I really don't care how mad he was. What irks me most is that he apparently doesn't seem to understand what is so wrong about his actions. His argument to Michelle is that he has freedom of speech and should be allowed to say what he wants. He's right. He can say what he wants but freedom comes with rules. We are only truly free when we stay within certain bounds. When we stray outside those bounds, we are subject to the consequenses, which he is now experiencing. He has lost all use of his phone for the foreseeable future, among other things. What he really doesn't get is that if he had shown some remorse, his punishment would have stopped with the loss of his phone. Unfortunately for him, he just keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper. Perhaps someday he will grow up a bit. Perhaps someday he will be mature enough to use a cell phone appropriately. Until that day, he will not be seeing much of his friends either in person on by phone.


Mike and Adrianne said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I do not look forward to this when my kids get older. I totally agree both with your feelings on cell phones and texting and with the punishment he received. I think it is good that you teach him that he is right about his freedom but then that he has to face the consequences. What a headache for you. How's that for a happy 40th birthday?!

chelsey said...

It's for that reason that Geoff will not be getting a phone anytime soon. I know his friends are using their phones to text all kinds of bad things, as well as prank calling people. One of his so-called friends asked for the number of one of Geoff's best friends from OH. Geoff thought it would be funny to prank call him too, so he gave this friend the number. The problem began when the friend proceeded to use a string of obscenities on the phone when they picked up. Only, it was the mom that answered. She heard Geoff's voice telling his friend to hang up and called me. To Geoff's credit, he was pretty upset this friend was cussing and saying crude things on the phone. He didn't know that's what was going to happen. Me, being the nice mom I am called both Geoff and the friend inside, made them call back and apologize. Of course now, the "friend" is saying all kinds of nasty things (I'm a lesbian whore, etc.) about ME at school. Geoff has been devastated from this stupid experience. I don't know if Geoff would've been smart enough to come to me and tell me what had happened had he not been recognized on the phone. I certainly hope so.

Long story short, I don't think most kids understand the responsibility of having a phone. It's certainly not just Dan. And it's hard when "everybody else has one, or is doing it". Our kids have to learn to be the leaders and not followers, doing all the stupid stuff other kids are doing. And therein lies the difficulty!

The Duke said...

It's experiences like this that cause me to be very relieved that is one problem I didn't have to face with my own kids.
I hate it when they sit in the same room and don't speak but text someone else. It's incredibly rude. I hate it when I'm talking to someone and they can't stay away from their phones and texts in the middle of our conversations.
I am horrified at all the horrible things kids can do and say now on phones and I'm sure glad you found out and are following through with the consequences.
I heard on the news yesterday that kids have figured out a way on Facebook to hide what they are saying so parents won't see.
What a sad, frightening world we live in. I agree with Chelsey that we have to teach our kids that they have to lead, not follow.
Hopefully Dan will figure this out and feel sorrow for the right reason.
Good for you, Jason, for taking a stand.