Wednesday, November 24, 2010

As Thanksgiving approaches

As Thanksgiving is coming near it reminds me that I have much to be grateful for. Here are just a few things that come to mind that I wanted to share:

I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows us personally and loves us no matter what.

For my husband Jason.
For my 6 beautiful children
for my home
for the electricty. I'm not sure how anyone lived without this.
for my parents being able to visit last week and have a Thanksgiving dinner with us.
for two running vehicles
for my comfortable bed
for my ability to exercise and become healthier every day
for Jason's awesome job and medical insurance. I realized just recently that he has great insurance that costs us very little and I'm so glad we are blessed in this way
for a dishwasher that works
for the food in our home so we can eat.
for running water.
for my asthma being gone. There was a time that I suffered with Asthma and it made life super hard.
for having healthy children
for being able to see and hear.

There's so much more, but these are things that come to my mind currently.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Lokodi said...

Happy thanksgiving you guys. We love you.
