Friday, December 11, 2009

So much for Family Togetherness

On Wednesday was our SNOW DAY. I posted all about our plans and how great it would be to do all that baking. Especially since I had started all that baking the night before and wanted to finish.

Well so much for that.

We all woke around 7a.m., then within an hour, all the children wanted to go outside and play in the snow.


But they did. Now granted it was only 8a.m. I insisted they have breakfast, do their jobs and chill a bit on the inside before majorly chilling on the outside. I think my having them inside together as a family lasted all of another hour and then by 9a.m. they all bolted. Except for Caleb who spent a good portion of his day on the computer.

It had continued to snow so all those pictures from the last post were nothing like what it ended up being, then it blew around and got super nasty out. Nasty enough that school was cancelled for a 2nd day.

Well back to Wednesday for a minute:

Brenden had gone to the basement and ran upstairs yelling, "There's a brown goo stuff coming out of the drain of the washer all over the floor and under the wall in the basement."

Oh the joyous words those are to hear.

So Jason, Caleb and I run to the basement to discover that our garbage disposal to the kitchen sink had somehow backed up into the downstairs washing machine drain and sink.

In fact there was brown goo, everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean UNDER the washing machine, UNDER the dryer, UNDER the wall into where the furnace is. UNDER the wall into where we store food and suitcases and other junk of no meaning.

YUCK. It was nasty. At least it wasn't sewage. Oh my am I ever grateful it wasn't that. Sick, Sick, Sick that would have been.

So we proceeded to run all over the house for our nasty and oldest towels so we could clean up the mess, then it was so bad that we had to get the good towels and continue cleaning up the mess.

Then Jason had to run to the local hardware store to get a SNAKE to snake out the drain from both upstairs and down for over 2 hours and then it backed up again and he snaked some more.

After a very long day and lots of cleaning and me pouring bleach under the wall and having many scrubbing moments of cleanser on the basement floor, I am grateful for the following:

1. That our basement is not yet finished or this mess would have been super worse
2. That all the towels in the house had been clean and dry so they could soak up the nastiness
3. That the mess was NOT sewage and no sewage pipes were involved
4. That Jason was home.
5. That Jason snaked it and finally got it unclogged.
6. That it's all cleaned up and over with
7. That I now have clean DRY towels once again.

So that was our Wednesday. How was yours?


The Duke said...

Oh my gosh! What a mess! And what a rotten way to spend a day that had such hope and good plans. I'm so sorry!
I'm glad you were able to clean it up and that it's back to normal once again.
Are the kids back in school today?

Jess and Jen said...

What a bummer! I hope that your 2nd snow day was better than your first! -Jen

Lokodi said...

Holy Crap! That sounds like a very eventful, horrid day. Sorry to hear that happened. Glad it's better now.
