Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We both finished a marathon.

Twenty six point two miles is a very long way to drive.  But how about trying to  run, walk, jog, skip, crawl, limp or do anything for that distance.  It's so dang far.  I wanted to do a 2nd marathon to see if I'd have a better experience than the first.  I talked Jason into doing his first marathon.  We both finished.  It wasn't pretty and we both struggled, but hey, we did it!  Will we do it again?????????

We decided on Grandma's Marathon  in Duluth, MN.  It's a gorgeous place to run and I highly recommend that marathon for a first time marathon.  Or if you are someone going for a marathon in all 50 states, then try this one for Minnesota.

Read about Jason's story HERE !

Read about my story HERE !

Just to put it in perspective.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Congrats! You guys did great. Even with injuries you both had good times.