Saturday, April 27, 2013

Scott's 11th Birthday

I am so surprised that it has been 11 years already. Here are the some pictures that show the day's activities:
This is what a quad batch of waffles looks like.  I make them from scratch
and the egg whites are fluffed separately to  make them super good.

cooking the waffles in the very
old waffle iron, that I just
realized needs a major
scrubbing after this picture.

The finished product.  Super YUMMY!

Scott wanted cookies for his class instead of cupcakes, so
cookies is exactly what he received.  I made sugar, oatmeal
chocolate chip with m-n-m's and regular chocolate chip.

Dinner out with Scott.  We went to a place called Ryan's.
We were going to go to Ci Ci's pizza, however we drove
all the way there and it was closed, so this restaurant was
Scott's 2nd choice.  Seen here is is Brenden, Jared and Scott.
Jared is on his 5th cotton candy.

Scott opening gifts.

One of his favorite gifts.  He LOVES legos.

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