Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Caleb's Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Caleb's Eagle Scout Court of Honor pictures.
A picture of my 5 boys all dressed in their scout uniforms
right before the Eagle Scout Court of Honor began.


Then entire family.  Left to Right--Back Row-Daniel, Jared, Jason, Michelle, Caleb
Front Row--Brenden, Scott and Alyssa

Caleb pinning the Mother's pin on me.

Caleb pinning the Father's pin on his Dad.

Me enjoying every minute.

The Eagle's Nest.  This is a picture of everyone that has
achieved their Eagle Scout award that were in the audience.

Caleb with his Lewis Grandparents.


chelsey said...

That's so wonderful! Love the pictures! You have some good looking kids guys! Glad you got to celebrate such a great accomplishment with your grandparents too. Wish we'd been able to be there!

The Duke said...

Thanks so much for sharing. You do, indeed, have a fine looking family. I hope all the boys follow in Caleb's footsteps. It's a pretty awesome award. I'm really glad your folks were there to witness this event. It's a big deal!

Jason said...

The guy sitting right behind Caleb in the Eagle's nest was one of my deacon's when I was in YM. He is now a returned missionary serving as the EQ president in the single's branch.

I am very proud of Caleb and the work he did. This is truly his award, not Michelle's or mine. He did it. I kept telling him that I already had my Eagle and didn't need to earn it again and that if he really wanted it, he was the one who would have to do the work. And he did.

Merrilee said...

Congratulations to Caleb! That's a great accomplishment!