You may or may not know this, but after 6 weeks of my old job (Job 1) as listed below I was so completely miserable that I had to leave. I couldn't believe how unorganized that place was. Now to give them a little credit where credit is due, my immediate boss (my team lead) was amazing. I loved working with her during weeks 2-4 and then again in week 6 . At first I was on another team that had me in tears nightly and had me wishing I was anywhere but that job.
Then after week 1 of misery, I was switched to my new team with an amazing fun team lead (boss) that actually cared about the work I was doing and seemed to want me there. But after 3 weeks, upper management wanted me on another team, and so I was switched back to the original first team and was back to feeling unwanted, sad and couldn't wait to leave every day.
Then after a week and a half, I was switched again back to the amazing team. By this time however (the 4th switch of places) I had already looked into a couple new jobs and even though I didn't have an official new job yet, I quit Job 1. I didn't care if I ever went back as sad as that sounds. I desperately missed my 3 awesome co-workers who made me feel at home, and I enjoyed working with them and I missed my team lead (boss), and I missed a couple temps I had gotten to know, and the lady who worked the phones up front, but I didn't miss the job or company.
After being gone at my job only 1 day I was fortunate enough to get a new job (where I am now)that is awesome and more of what I expected my first job to be. I have listed out below what was going on at Job 1 and the differences in Job 2 (my new current job). I hope that my new job becomes permanent for I feel that it is the right fit for me. I have liked everyone I have met so far and I think they like having me around as well.
The differences between Job 1 and 2 are these:
1. Expected overtime but didn't let me know this until I was DENIED a raise at 30 days because I didn't do overtime. There wasn't any job expectations written down or rules about overtime written down or presented to me at any time. The first time I heard I should be working overtime was the day I was denied the raise. After that point I did work overtime whenever I had the chance.
2. this job didn't know where to put me and when I asked what team I'd be on, they didn't know.
3. no training in 6 weeks. Every couple of days I was doing something different, and it seemed like they really didn't know what to have me do in their company. No one was my official trainer, no offical training schedule.
4.Never met the boss in 6 weeks (knew who he was, but he never even said HI)
5. never knew the rules of the company or job or building.
6. never had a safety tour and didn't know the fire exits or where to even go in an emergency.
7. clock in badge was given to me after a couple hours, but not explained how or where to use it until several days later. Then it was only explained because I started asking questions.
8. Wasn't given a tour of the building until a couple weeks after I started and it was only a partial tour by someone who really didn't want to give the tour. She kept explaining how busy she was and didn't have time to give me a tour.
9. all kinds of vending machines for everything you need to eat that cost quite a bit per item.
10. Meeting never came with food unless you provided it.
11. bring your own tissues from home.
12. promised I'd be hired on at 3 months (found out it could be up to a year for that to really happen, as stated from other temps)
13. you are frowned upon if you don't stay late
14. in the bathrooms you had to pay for all personal supplies if you needed them out vending machines.
15. the job I ended up doing was one that I couldn't see myself doing in 3 months, 6 months or really ever. It was a miserable boring job. Almost everyone seemed unhappy and several told me they were seeking other work.
16. no computer or phone for over a week.
17. had to dress up at least once a week sometimes all 5 days if we had visitors.
18. only 1 half hour lunch per day, no breaks
19. starting wage OK
20. when you do get hired on, you only start with 1 week vacation, other benefits seemed very disappointing.
1. Doesn't want me to work overtime, which is great because I can spend more time with my family!
2. This job knew exactly where I was to be on day 1.
3. Training schedule that is very detailed and was printed out for 3 weeks showing what I would be doing and who I would be training with.
4. My immediate boss was introduced to me on day one, by week two, I met my bosses' boss
5. I was explained the rules on day one.
6. Had a safety tour within the first couple hours on day 1.
7. Clock in badge was made within a minutes of me entering the building on day 1, and explained in detail how to enter the building with it and everywhere I need to use it.
8. Tour of the entire building, warehouse and outside grounds on day 2.
9. Free food all over the place put out almost every single day, and free food samples to take home almost daily.
10. Meetings come with food (every Thursday).
11. Free tissues--as much as you want.
12. Temps really get hired on after 2-3 months. Or so I've been told.
13. You are told to go home when your shift if over
14. Free personal supplies in the bathroom if you need them sitting in a box that has a sign that says to take some if needed.
15. Job I'm doing is one I could do for years and not be bored, so much to do, so much to learn, you can actually become a better person and be happy in your job and your brain is happy.
16. Computer and phone that were mine on day 3
17. Don't have to dress up EVER, can wear jeans, shorts, t-shirts, basically anything casual as long as you look nice and are modestly dressed.
18. Half hour lunch, and 2 15 minute breaks a day and you are encouraged to get up and stretch as often as you feel it is necessary for your well being.
19. Starting wage GREAT
20. When hired on you start with 2 weeks vacation and the benefits seem amazing.
As you can tell I'm already super impressed with this new job. I am happier every night and even though I'm still overwhelmed with the details of all the many jobs I am doing in my job and all the things I have to learn, there are so many people helping me learn my new responsibilities and I know up front what is expected of me.
My new job is for UNFI. United Natural Foods Inc. I am the administrative assistant to two buyers there. Here is their website: I hope it ends up being amazing like it has started out to be.