Thursday, July 29, 2010

18 Years and it's still INTERESTING!

We have made it to 18 years of marriage as of July 28th

This is what we have been through:

7 Moves--Rexburg to Pocatello, Pocatello 2 bedroom apartment to a 3 bedroom apartment, 3 bedroom apartment to a rental house, rental house to a duplex in Iowa for 2 days, Duplex in Iowa to a rental house, rental house to our first home, first home to our 2nd home.
6 Children
10 years of Jason in school--Ricks College for 2 years, Idaho State University for 5 years, University of Iowa for 3 years.
3 basement floods --different homes
a few loss of jobs
5 surgeries --Michelle twice, Alyssa once, Scott once, Jason once
5 broken bones--Jason's arm, Alyssa's wrist, Caleb's arm and shoulder, Daniel's leg
1 bird, 1 ferret, 4 dogs, 5 cats, 1 frog, and multiple fish (all of which are gone now) (we obviously aren't pet people) Now this is a sad story, The bird was given to us and he was a great parrot, however he turned super mean, one day he turned out to be a she and laid an egg and started biting everyone all the time. A co-worker friend said she could turn our he/she bird around and get it to be nice again, so she took the bird.

The ferret, who I can't even remember his name, bit me in a bad place while I was nursing a baby, yes you can only guess as much and that was the end of the ferret. We advertized him in the paper and within a few days was in a new home.

Dogs--First there was Lucky. I loved this dog. She was a lab/pitbull mix and we all got along great. However we had to move across the country and our new Duplex wouldn't accept pets so we had to find her a new home. Super sad moment for us.
2nd Dog, Hobbes. A pure bread yellow Lab who was Physcho to the extreme. This dog needed more attention, love, obedience school, and yard then we could give him, so we found him a new home after 5 years of trying.
3rd Dog, Lucy. Mutt mix, not even sure what type of dog she was. Nice dog given to us, but she had major issues and bit Jason, so she was gone to the pound.
4th Dog, Sadie. Again, nice dog given to us, she was a Yo-Chon. Yorkie/Bichon mix. She ended up biting 2 of my children and me. She liked to protect whoever's lap she was on and if you came near her she bit you. She also bit the neighbor so she went to the pound after that. Sad story there.
1st Cat, Tigger, was very ill and had to be put down.
2nd Cat we loved named Calvin and would still have to this day, but Caleb has severe cat allergies and we had to recently get rid of all cats. We had Calvin 8 years.
3rd Cat, Cinnamon, nice cat, but didn't get a long with Calvin so the neighbor wanted him and got him.
4th Cat, Gizmo, given to us, but he ended up being a super sick cat and had to be put down.
5th Cat, Big Mac, also given to us and we had Big Mac for about 3 years and both Big Mac and Calvin got along great, however when Caleb started getting sick all the time and we figured out from the allergist that his #1 allergy was cats, Big Mac went when Calvin did. Still sad over that.
As far as Frogs and fish go, well they don't live long no matter what you do.

4 minor car wrecks 3 in Idaho, 1 in Iowa
1 major car wreck In Idaho
2 Major National Disasters both in Iowa, major flood and tornado. Thank goodness our home was saved from both.
hundreds of bad mornings because I'm mean --enough said there.
learned and taught over 700 sets of choreography multiple times for our classes (Zumba, Step, Pump, Attack)
1013 Pampered Chef shows
656 donations of Plasma
--I have the scar to prove it.10 vehicles--5 of them because of the wrecks listed above.3 Triathlons and 7 running races
7 major trips all by ourselves without children--
Cancun, California, Utah, Caribbean Cruise, Alaskan Cruise, Hawaii, London
Visited 29 of the United States and 3 foreign countries
And we still like each other most of the time.


Jess and Jen said...

Love the last line... -Jess

The Duke said...

Wow - I ought to make a list for me and Jim. Wonder what it would look like. One of those numbers that surprised me was the number of vehicles you have had.
I'm glad you still like each other. We like both of you, too.

Jess and Jen said...

Wow...that's a fun list to read! COngratulations on 18 years!

Jan said...

18 years! That is so exciting. Nice list. Since we are just coming up on 3 years. Our list isn't very long, or very impressive. How fun

Michelle said...

The biggest reason we have been through so many vehicles is because of all those wrecks. However I have to add that none of those accidents were either of our faults, all the accidents were the cause of other people not paying attention.

Team Clark said...

Holy Cow, Michelle- that's crazy. And 18 years by itself seems crazy to me - that is so long!
Congrats! Way to hang in there, you two! :)

SuzyQ01 said...

Congratulations! That's quite a list...but then again it is over 18 years!

chelsey said...

That's really cool! Congratulations on 18 years! I'm glad you two found each other.