5:30a.m. the alarm went off, I rolled over and reset it for an hour later because I was sure the race would be postponed or cancelled, it was still raining so hard with extreme lightening.
5:45a.m. decided to get my butt out of bed and check www.weather.com to see if maybe the rain would go away soon. Sure enough it was due to lighten up by 7a.m. and only be cloudy by 8a.m. BUMMER
so I stayed up, got ready, drank a tiny bit of a vanilla smoothie I had in the house. I wanted a banana I had set out the night before, but someone obviously wanted it more, it was no where to be found.
6:20a.m. left with Jason to find College Green Park in Downtown Iowa City so we could catch a bus to where the race started
6:40a.m. Got on a bus and my friend Stephanie got on as well.
7:10a.m. arrived at the Dam where the race started, it was still raining lightly outside, however tons better than 2 hours earlier.
8a.m. the announcer told us that the race would be slightly delayed, but not by much. The rain had stopped and was just cloudy and cool with a breeze and only some humidity. Soon after, the National Anthem was sung. This time by someone who clearly knew the words and sang rather well.
Around 1 hour Jason finished.
Then around 5 minutes later I finished. The official times aren't posted yet and the race wasn't chip timed so we won't have an exact time, but the fact remains WE FINISHED and it feels great to complete this goal.
Way to go! Awesome accomplishment! -Jen
Great job! I love that you ran the race together...well almost together!
You guys ROCK! I wish I had the ability to do that right now! And you both look fantastic!
Awesome! You are an inspiration to your sedentary friends ;)
You guys are such an inspiration. Good job!
wow, that is so awesome! that is just crazy at how long of a run that is! Great job!
Times are officially in
Jason ran a 9:50 mile pace for a total time of 1:01:06
I ran a 10:37 mile pace for a total time of 1:05:58
I'm pretty sure I've ridden a bike that fast... -jess
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